Haunted Ever After – WIP

Here’s the cover reveal!

And the trailer.

You can read the beginning of the story right now!

“I have heard (but not believ’d) the spirits of the dead May walk again: if such thing be…” ~ Shakespeare


December 31, 1903

Jeffrey Fairmont took his time as he climbed the stairs to the attic. He hoped there would be one place that wasn’t overflowing with people.  So much for a quiet celebration of the New Year.  He’d had a feeling a New Year’s Eve party was a bad idea, but once things were in motion, they could rarely be deterred.

He let out a sigh of relief when he found the large space unoccupied.  Finally, some peace.  Too many people for even a house this big.  He didn’t really have a plan beyond avoiding the crowd downstairs.  Walking over to the window, he watched the snow falling in the moonlight.  Snow wasn’t a normal occurrence in Seattle, so it was worth taking the time to enjoy it.

Too late, he realized he’d left his brandy downstairs.  Easy enough to replace, he thought, still watching the snow.  It had been a stroke of brilliance to put his study up here.  Along with the billiards table, the attic was where he negotiated some of his best business deals.

Hearing the creak on the stair, he tried not to cringe.  One must always be the dutiful host, he thought.

“I see you found me,” he said without turning.  “Would you like a brandy…” he began as the snow was replaced by a blinding light, then darkness.

Chapter 1

September 30, 1982

Ellie Lawson looked up at the house and smiled.  Who was she kidding?  This was a mansion.  A real-life Victorian mansion!  It was everything she’d hoped for and almost given up ever finding.  It was perfect.

“I know the trim could use some work,” the realtor continued.  “And the grounds are a bit rough, but the roof is in good shape as is the foundation.”

“It’s big,” Gert said, looking over at Ellie.  “Too big?”

“I don’t think so,” Ellie replied.  “Can we go inside?” she added, trying her best not to sound too eager.

“Oh, there’s the phone,” the realtor said, glancing back at her car.  “Here,” she said handing Ellie the key.  “Go ahead and look around.  I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes to see if you have any questions.”

“Car phone,” Gert said, shaking her head.  “What an annoyance.”

“Well, I could see the convenience if you broke down,” Ellie replied, hiding a smile.

“If the car breaks down, I doubt the phone works.”  Gert shrugged.  “Lots of nonsense if you ask me,” she added, looking back at the realtor.

Ellie just shook her head.  Gertrude McCall had many strengths, but tact was not one of them.  “Let’s go see the house,” Ellie said, dangling the key.  “Even this looks Victorian.”

“It’s unique,” Gert admitted. “You sure this house isn’t going to be too big?”

“Let’s find out,” Ellie said, climbing the steps.  “Look at this porch!”

“You could put a table and chairs out here with room to spare.”  Gert followed Ellie to the front door.  “And these leaded skylights are nice.”

Ellie nodded. “I just hope the inside is as impressive as the outside.”  She turned the key and pushed open the front door.  “Oh, my…”

Gert followed her in.  “Well, I will say this is impressive, but what about the heating bills?”

“Heat rises,” Ellie replied, “which will take care of the bedrooms.” They could see most of the main spaces from the foyer. ”And there seems to be a fireplace in almost every room so far.” She looked back at Gert. ”Do you think it’s too much?”

“Not if it’s what you really want,” Gert said.  “You’ve been saving for this dream a lot of years.”

“Ever since Mom and Dad…” Ellie stopped and took Gert’s hand.  “Thank you for being here today.”

“I promised your mom I’d always be there,” Gert replied, squeezing Ellie’s hand.  “She’d be happy for you.  They both would.”

“Thank you.”  Ellie gave Gert a quick hug. “Let’s go look at the kitchen.”

The realtor joined them as they were looking at the stove. ”It’s practically an antique,” Gert said, wiping dust off the top.

“Does it work?” asked Ellie, turning to the realtor.

“I believe it does,” the realtor replied. ”Let me see…” she stopped as strange noises started coming from the kitchen sink.

“I was just trying the water pressure,” Gert said as the sound got louder. ”This might be a problem,” she added, looking over at Ellie.

“I’m sure it’s something that could be fixed,” Ellie said, raising her voice to be heard over the noise.

“Why don’t we go upstairs,” the realtor suggested.

Gert raised an eyebrow. ”Is the plumbing up there in better condition?”

“I’ve got to meet another client,” the realtor said, glancing at her watch. ”Why don’t I call you as soon as we have a plumber out to check on the pipes?”

“Is the owner available?” Ellie asked as they walked outside. ”I could speak to him or her directly.”

“This property is in trust,” the realtor explained. ”Constance Fairmont passed away with no designated heirs, so her lawyers are handling the sale.”

Ellie stopped as they reached the drive. ”Is there any way we can finish the tour this afternoon? I’d like to see the rest of the house and talk to the plumber if possible.”

“I can meet you back here in a few hours,” the realtor replied.

“Good, that will give us time to go to lunch…and talk,” Gert said, giving Ellie a look that meant she had plenty she wanted to say.

“We’ll meet you at two.” Ellie smiled at the realtor. ”And I’d like to see the entire house this afternoon if possible.”

“Of course,” the realtor replied, getting into her car. As she turned the key, her phone rang again. 

“Convenient, aren’t they?” Gert asked as Ellie did her best not to laugh. ”Maybe you should get one for your car?” Gert added as they walked over to Ellie’s Honda Accord.

“That’s all I need.” Ellie smiled and shook her head. ”Let’s go eat.”

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